Dear Beloved Parishioners and Stewards of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church,
On behalf of the entire Parish Council/Church Board, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your dedication, participation, and love during today’s Annual Parish Meeting. Your commitment to our community is a shining example of what it means to live out the spirit of Orthodox Christian Stewardship.
The meeting was an inspiring demonstration of respect, care, and prayerful planning for the future of our beloved St. George Church. It was a beautiful display of our unity and love, which are the pillars of our parish.
Through such efforts, we continue to build a strong and vibrant community, connected by our shared faith and love for God.
I am grateful for the thoughtful discussions, such as expeditious communication of our parish wish list and project needs, and the mutual support shown by all involved.
Together, we have created a path that reflects our devotion to God and one another.
I invite each of you to continue participating in our parish's ongoing ministries and work, including, most importantly, regular participation in the Divine Liturgy.
Let us stay united in prayer and action as we look to the future with faith and hope, guided by God's grace.
May God bless you all abundantly, and may we continue to serve Him with love and humility.
Congratulations to our newly elected members of the Church Board/Parish Council and committees!
In Christ's Love and Service,
Very respectfully,
Fr. Bratso Krsic
Драги нам Парохијани,
Хвала свима који су учествовали у раду данашње годишње скупштине која је протекла у духу љубави, старатељства и слоге. Вашим трудом и подршком наша парохија наставља да сведочи Васкрслога Христа Спаситеља и Православну веру.
Уз молитву Господу и смирењем настављамо рад у нашој парохији са слогом, разумевањем и развијањем свих парохијских активности.
Позивамо Вас све да узмете учешћа у нашим активностима. Сви сте добро дошли!
Хвала Вам и да сте нам живи и здрави на много година!
Са особитим поштовањем и благословом,
Протојереј Братислав Брацо Кршић

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San Diego, CA 92117