Our Clergy, Lay Leaders of our Parish Ministries
St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
3025 Denver Street
San Diego, CA 92117
Office phone: 619-276-5827
Office email: Info@StGeorgeINSD.org or StGeorgeParishOffice@gmail.com
Protopresbyter-stavrophor Bratislav Bratso Krsic, Parish Priest, frbratso@sbcglobal.net (Mobile phone for emergency only 619-316-2362)
Presbyter Paul Germain, Assistant Parish Priest, prgermain@pm.me
Lay Leaders of our Parish Ministries:
Our Church Parish Council/Executive Board:
Protopresbyter-stavrophor Bratislav Bratso Krsic,
Presbyter Paul Germain,
Kate Thickstun, President of the Parish Council/Church Board, kathickstun@gmail.com
Vladimir Kezic, 1st V. President, Vlad@StGeorgeInSD.org
Zeljko Milasinovic, 2nd V. President, milasinovic@att.net
Kathleen Rutherford, Secretary,
Milos Belcevic, Treasurer,
Linda Alemany, Assistant treasurer
Members at Large:
Vojkan Popovic, Protinica Lisa Krsic, Simona Trifunovic, Andrew Marin, Jadranka Bozinovska, Nikola Simjanovic.
Financial Secretary:
Maja Topalovic
Maja Topalovic
Stewardship Ministry:
Maja Topalovic, chairperson
Auditing Board:
Miro Copic, President; Daniela Damjanoski and Dusanka Urosevic.
Jeff Wilgus, George Skaljac, Vojkan Popovich, Miro Copic, Nebojsa Rajkovic, Reader Constantine Dizick.
St. George Auxiliary organizations:
Kolo Copresidents: Sladana Melos, ana.mellos@yahoo.com and Nada Milicevic nadamilicevic1948@icloud.com
Vice President: Lydia Rhoads Petric lrhoads@san.rr.com.
Morava Ensembles: Marija Milasinovic and Milena Michaels; email: moravafolkloresandiego@gmail.com; IG: @moravafolkore; Google Voicenumber: 858-480-1394.
Kolo Copresidents: Sladana Melos, ana.mellos@yahoo.com and Nada Milicevic nadamilicevic1948@icloud.com
Vice President: Lydia Rhoads Petric lrhoads@san.rr.com.
Morava Ensembles: Marija Milasinovic and Milena Michaels; email: moravafolkloresandiego@gmail.com; IG: @moravafolkore; Google Voicenumber: 858-480-1394.
Choir: Kate Thickstun; kathickstun@gmail.com

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
3025 Denver Street
San Diego, CA 92117
3025 Denver Street
San Diego, CA 92117