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Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship chairperson is Maja Topalovic:

The Spirituality of Stewardship

It takes faith to trust that God will continue to provide for our needs.

  • The disciples feared the thought of feeding the crowd; they had nowhere near enough food, they said.
  • But what is offered to Christ is multiplied and becomes an overabundance.

November is Stewardship Month

Our 2020 stewardship ministry theme is “The Gift of Giving”. It takes Faith to trust that God will continue to provide for our needs. The Old Testament laid down the standard of giving a tithe (more than 10% of one’s income) back to God. This provides us with the true example: giving should be in proportion to our income. Stewards should strive to proclaim the Gospel to the world and to preserve the Church, which Jesus Christ established on Earth so that we could discover the way to salvation and eternal life.

Orthodox Christian Stewardship is based on the teachings of the Holy Bible and the Christian experience from the beginning and through the centuries. The concept is simple:

Who calls us to be Stewards?

  • God is the Creator of all things “visible and invisible” as we profess in The Creed.
  • He gives us Life in all its fullness and with all its blessings, asking that we be His “co-workers,” good stewards, or “managers” of all that He gives to us. God calls us to Stewardship.

    “Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.”
     Proverbs 22:9“…And Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” St. Mark 12:41-44

What is expected of us as good Stewards?

  • As good Stewards, we spend our life caring for all that we have received. To list all these things would be impossible, as everything comes from God, and therefore, we are called to be good stewards of everything…our whole life.
  • So, a good steward is concerned with taking proper care of the health of their soul and their body as well as the environment around them; with how they spend their time and their money; with how they use the talents and gifts given to them; and with how they maintain all their relationships, including with their family, friends and even strangers.
  • Stewards strive to keep all things good and beautiful, as God created to be. Therefore, good Stewards do no waste any time, money or talents on frivolous, meaningless things. Rather, they take good care of everything, as an offering back to Him in thanksgiving.

What is among the most important of God’s Gifts to us?

  • Perhaps the most important gift which we have received and therefore must take good care of, is the Church which Jesus Christ, the Son of God has established on earth so that we can learn the way to salvation and eternal life.
  • Taking good care (being good stewards) of the Church is vital to the spiritual growth of each one of us and to the spreading and sharing of the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ. This care involves offering our time, talents and money to the community of the Church. We wisely spend our time worshiping God, receiving His Sacraments, uniting ourselves to Him and to each other, sharing our talents for the good of the community, and making our joyful and sacrificial financial gifts to the Church…all out of love for Him and to express our desire to be His “Co-Workers” in the world.

What should we be doing each day?

  • God gives us all things, and asks us for just a tithe…just 10% of it as a small sign of our love and thanksgiving and as our proper understanding that it all belongs to Him anyway.

So, we have one lifetime on this earth. Regardless of the number of years that we are given, let’s remember that each day, as life itself, is a precious gift and be sure to take good care to keep it good and beautiful in the site of Him from whom we receive it. This is what good stewards do.

Worship Ministries

“I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your wondrous things; I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 9:1-3)

Altar Service

Saint George Altar Service is open to Orthodox Christian boys who would like to learn more about the worship services and assist as sanctuary helpers during worship services.

Greeters, Ushers, and Vestrymen (Tutori)

On Sundays, our dedicated ushers do everything from greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the church, to answering questions, passing out our weekly edition of the St. George Voice, and ushering the faithful in an organized manner.

St. George Choir – Praising God with Songs

“Sing to the Lord a new song. His praise in the assembly of His holy ones.” (Psalm149:1)

Members of the choir are a great gift to our St. George Eucharistic community: they offer back to God their musical talents and gifts by leading the singing during Sunday and Feast Days services.

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish clergy.

Education Ministries

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12)

The purpose of Orthodox Christian Education at St. George parish is to help build up the Orthodox Church, the Body of Christ, by nurturing every person in the life of personal communion with the Holy Trinity, and accordingly, through this ministry, to bear witness to God’s loving and redeeming work in the world.

Being only one part of the total life of the Church, Christian education is effective in the context of living faith in the home and our local parish. Therefore, we believe that every baptized Orthodox Christian is called to minister and to grow in the knowledge of our Lord. Hence, our Orthodox Faith is expressed through all faithful – bishops, priests, parents, teachers, parish lay leaders, youth leaders, kumovi, and all Orthodox Christians seeking to know and to live the new life in Christ by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For more details about education ministries, please check out the Christian Education bar menu.

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish clergy.

Children & Youth Ministries

At St. George parish, we call our young people to live their Orthodox Faith on a daily basis in Christ our Lord, so that they will be changed, be one with the Holy Trinity, and live their lives accordingly.

Our guiding thought is that everything that we do and say with them should move them into a closer and stronger relationship with the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sunday School

All Sunday school classes, Pre-K through 12th grade, begin after Holy Communion each Sunday during the school year from September to Pentecost Sunday.

Children’s Choir

Through this ministry, the children of Saint George parish are offered the marvelous opportunity of learning Orthodox Christian music. The program is designed to encourage their God-given musical ministry of stewardship through song.

Summer Day Camp – Vacation Church School

This is a one day event usually held at St. George parish. It consists of worship service, a humanitarian project, games and sports activities. Our volunteers who organize our children’s day camp program return from their experience at camp saying that they have received more than they could ever give – priceless spiritual rewards.

Summer Camping Program

Each year during the summer (the first Sunday after Ss Peter and Paul feast day), children from our parish join others for a fun and educational camping program sponsored by the Western American Diocese and held at the Saint Sava Mission Retreat center in Jackson, California.

National Youth Conference

Our Youth take part in the National Youth Conference held each year in August. This wonderful educational and spiritually uplifting event is organized with the blessing of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the North and South America. It is a great opportunity for our youth to grow in faith, meet their peers, and yes, enjoy each other’s presence and have fun.

For more details about education ministries, please check out the Christian Education bar menu.

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish office.

Service Ministries

Parish Membership: All baptized members of the Orthodox Church and inquirers are encouraged to become active members of Saint George Eucharistic community. Such members of the congregation regularly participate in the life and ministries of the parish and offer ongoing support to the parish ministries through the practice of good stewardship of their time, talents, and treasure.

Adult Orthodox Fellowship

This group of young adults ages 18-40, is a vibrant, active force in our St. George community. Quarterly meetings are held on the church grounds. These gatherings feature time for socializ¬ing, study of scripture and opportunities to discuss major issues of faith with Orthodox Christians of the same approximate age and life experience. The group is also committed to regular acts of philanthropy, church grounds upkeep, and regular participation in organizing all other events of the parish.

College Age Ministry

Keeping ties with college age young adults is among the most challenging, yet rewarding ministries of Saint George parish. The competition for their attention is fierce and too often peer pressure is attractive. This ministry keeps communication lines open and continuous, so that these young adults know that their parish does not forget them and that they are an integral part of our Church community. In this ministry, our parish works together with the San Diego Clergy Brotherhood and Orthodox Christian Fellowship.

Executive Board

Members of this elected body serve for the term of one year and are responsible for the daily workings of our St. George parish. Executive Board members must be examples to all parishioners by exhibiting model Christian behavior, respect for one another and the community, and always work with our priest to build the Body of Christ.

Women’s Auxiliary (KSS)

The Women’s Auxiliary (KSS) provides fellowship for the women of Saint George parish. They organize the regular Sunday luncheons and feast day banquets, always financially support the ministries of the Church, maintain the food pantry and supplies, and assist our clergy in ongoing parish ministries.

Senior Citizens Fellowship

Our Senior Citizen’s Club is at an early stage of its formation. It is their goal to keep active, meeting once a month for fellowship and lunch.

Ministry to the Elderly

We do not want our elderly parishioners to be forgotten. This ministry of compassion is a phone outreach ministry, particularly to those who are seniors who no longer drive and are unable to come in contact with their friends and church family. The calling assignments are done at home, at the volunteer’s convenience.

Stewardship and Gift Giving

This important committee works to bring awareness for stewardship, the many ways to give, and the joy of supporting our parish. Yearly programs include the annual stewardship luncheon and outreach programs.

Marriage and Family Enrichment

Our program for engaged and newly married couples is dedicated to growing in the Orthodox faith and particularly in the Sacrament of Marriage. Marriage enrichment classes offer insight into the biblical teaching on marriage as a Sacrament. The annual newlyweds’ dinner offers a time for sharing wedding and marriage experiences as well as develops closer parish friendships through fellowship.

Master Planning Committee-Property Renovation

This team of volunteers is responsible for the continued renovation of our buildings, maintenance, and repair of church property. They make regular inspections of parish properties and make recommendations to the board of any needed repairs or improvements. We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish office.

Outreach & Evangelization Ministries

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen. (Mathew 28:19)

At St. George parish we know that this great commission that Christ gave to his disciples (including his disciples today – US) needs to be fulfilled by all Orthodox Christians. We must be fully integrated into the total life of the Church. We believe that Orthodox Christians must commit themselves to living the Orthodox Faith daily. Only this way will we be able to speak and witness the truth with love and call others to participate in the total life of the Church. We are people of faith, Orthodox Faith, who have been called to live an exemplary life; called to obedience; called to evangelize.

Internet Ministry

St. George Internet Ministry provides a valuable service to the parish by maintaining its web site, providing weekly spiritual messages, responding to e-mail requests and communicating news and events taking place at the parish to the e-addresses on the parish mailing list.

Audio and Radio Ministry

Our audio and radio ministry is responsible for the set-up and operation of all the audio equipment needed for worship services and social functions. It also plans recordings of services, sermons and events as an outreach tool. Additionally, it keeps parishioners informed of Orthodox radio programs available on the internet such as OCN – Orthodox Christian NetworkAncient Faith Radio, and radio programs available in the San Diego area.

Immigrant Needs

Our parishioners help new immigrants bridge any language barriers and assist them in assimilating to their new homeland.

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish office.

Fellowship Ministries

Hospitality Ministry

St. George Women’s Auxillary or the Circle of the Serbian Sisters supervises the Hospitality ministry. It involves organizing teams of volunteers who prepare and serve the weekly Sunday fellowship luncheons. The hospitality luncheons always welcome newcomers and visitors as well as build community among all parishioners.

Annual Parish Festival

The annual festival features delicious Serbian cuisine, church tours, entertainment, dancing, carnival-style games for children, and a host of other activities. This is not only a celebration for our community to enjoy within itself, but also a vital opportunity to reach out to the neighborhood and general Southern California community–sharing our faith, cultural backgrounds and communal spirit with all of our guests and to learn.

Annual Folkfest

The Annual Folkfest is a truly invigorating event. It takes place on the first Saturday after the Apostles Fast. This event is organized by our auxiliary organization, The Morava Ensemble. The event has earned a reputation of great fellowship and camaraderie.

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish office.

Humanitarian Ministries

St. George Emergency Needs Program

Charity really means “love” or by extension, an act prompted by love. Christ practiced charity and bids us to follow His example. This group of volunteers works in conjunction with our parish clergy to respond to the emergency needs of individuals and families, as well as communities victimized by tragedy here and abroad. St. George parish has a Good Samaritan fund for emergency and humanitarian needs.

Fundraising to Benefit our Brothers and Sisters in Kosovo and Metohija and SAFKOS (Serbian American Foundation for Kosovo and Metohija)

St. George parish in 2019 held two fundraising activities raising close to (as of Dec. 2019) $25,000.00 (our goal is 55K) to benefit our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija. For more information about SAFKOS, please, contact Djordje Popovic at 323-318-4606 or

Hospitality to the Homeless

In following the Biblical parable of the sheep and goats, the duty of the church and each member is to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the naked, comfort the sick, and visit those in prison. The Good Samaritan Ministry serves also to satisfy the most fundamental need of all—the spiritual hunger for God, by feeding the body and feeding the soul of the homeless and needy.

Our parish annually helps at the local FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve) team in their outreach and feeding homeless population at God’s Extended Hand on third Wednesday of each month (address: 1625 Island Ave., San Diego, CA). 

We invite you to consider participating in one or more of our Parish Ministries. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact our parish office.

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
3025 Denver Street
San Diego, CA 92117
St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
3025 Denver Street, San Diego, CA 92117
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